Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Thriller conventions


·         Usually not a lot of dialogue

·         Only tends to have the main character/characters in it

·         Often in chronological order

·         Often half way through an event happening- making the audience ask question

Camera work

·         Establishing shot- show location

·         Mid shots- so the character are introduced

·         Close ups- disorientation/ claustrophobia

·         Composition-Key props

·         Framing- creates suspense

·         High angle/low angle shots- to show power and statues

·         1st person- empathy


·         Duel narrative-  shows complex narrative and creates tension- as story converges

·         Straight cut editing- pace and tension

·         Flashback-  key moments, connections

Thriller opening

·         Drama and tension

·         Use of music

·         Titles-  name of film, actors, director, company ideas

·         Something gripping but confusing

·         One significant event

·         Create atmosphere


·         Use ambient sounds- music/ noises fade in/out- creates atmosphere

·         Voice over to create background story

·         Avoid dialogue


·         Setting- realistic/isolated

·         Costume- realism

·         Actors- males are often protagonists/ antagonists and women – victim?

·         Props- victims

·         Lighting- low key, shadows

Sub- genres

·         Action

·         Crime

·         Psychological

·         Conspiracy

·         Dystopian

·         Medical

·         Noir

·         Gangster

·         Religious

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the posts so far, Beth. Your analyses are detailed and visual (in all their gory detail!) Continue to post all details from class sessions and make sure that work you posts informs the decisions and idea you have for your own work.
